An exibition at Moscow House of photography
An exibition dedicate to the 20th anniversary of Russian Union of Art and Photographers is opening on 14 of july at 19-00 in Moscow House of Photography. The event will cover 1980 - 1990 period. Alexander Sliussarev work will be presented there as well.

3 New exibitions coming
In upcoming months there will be 3 exibitions of Alexander Sliussarev works.
Moscow (Russia) — September
Rostov-na-Donu (Russia) — October
Aix-en-provence (France) — October

New gallery «Curves of Riga»
In 1979 Alexander Sliussarev had his first personal photography exhibition at the Latvian photo festival in Riga, Latvia. This photos were taken during the praperation period of this event. From 1974 to 1984 he created a series of black and white minimalistic „squares” taken with a Rolleiflex camera, which made the photographer famous among fellow photographers and curators.
You can see part of this series in this new gallery.
Exibition in Latvian National Museum
Exibition in Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga opening 14 January.